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How to Host a Spooktacular Halloween Party

Written by Ariana Crisafulli


Posted on September 28 2022

The leaves are turning colors, there's a chill in the air, and skeletons and pumpkins are appearing in everyone's yards. That means spooky season is upon us! All the kiddos are getting excited to go trick-or-treating, but why not add a cherry on top with a spooktacular Halloween party!

Halloween parties are fun and easy, and they're a great way to create lasting memories. Plus, they're a great way to entice the little ones back home on a frosty Halloween night when you would give anything to get back inside where it's warm!

Setting the ambiance

For any good Halloween party, you've got to get the ambiance just right. That means spooky sights and sounds. 


Head to any party store or even your local supermarket to scoop up scary Halloween decor like rubber or paper bats, plastic skeletons, cauldrons, and scary witch or mummy cut-outs. And don't forget the cobwebs that you can stretch over the surfaces of your furniture to make it spook-tastic! 


For the spooky sounds, simply search on YouTube or Spotify for child-friendly Halloween music or a track of creepy sounds like ghoulish laughter, howling wolves, and cackling witches.

Halloween snacks

What is a party without snacks? Below is a list of fun and spooky snacks, perfect for a Halloween party.

Candy worms

Put candy worms in a bowl or crawling around the table to make for creepy snacks. 

Tombstone pudding

Layer chocolate pudding and crushed oreos in a clear plastic cup with the crushed oreos as the top layer. Then write RIP on Milano cookies and stick them into the cups.

Cutie Jack-o-lanterns

Instead of carving, drawn Jack-o-lantern faces on the cuties with a pen.

Spider web cupcakes

Make regular cupcakes with white frosting on top. Then use a black or brown frosting pen to draw a spiderweb on top.

There are tons of easy, cute snacks like this you can make, these are just a few suggestions. An even better suggestion is to turn the party into a Halloween potluck and ask your guests to bring over their own fun Halloween snacks.

Halloween activities


Number one is of course trick-or-treating. Either have the party beforehand and take the party trick-or-treating, or head back to the party afterward with your haul, up to you! 

Pumpkin carving

At the party, set up a fun pumpkin-carving party with adults there to supervise the process so no one gets hurt. If the kids are too young for this activity, have paints set up to paint the pumpkins instead. 

Spooky movie

If you're looking for a relaxed Halloween party, put on a child-friendly spooky movie. Some great one are The Witches, The Adams Family, Monster House, Hocus Pocus, Casper, and Goosebumps. 

Costume contest

Finally, any Halloween party would be remiss without a costume contest! When you're planning the party, be sure to let your guests know that you will be hosting a costume contest so they can prepare. A cute way to do this is to have different winner categories so that everyone wins in their own category, and then create fun but simple certificates for each category where you can write the winner's name. Along with the certificates, prepare a fun reward like… more candy!

Most important for any party is to look cute, which is why we're having a Fall and Halloween sale. Buy any two items from this collection and get 1 free!

Happy Halloween everyone! We hope it's Spooktacular!