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Cold Weather Wardrobe Tips: How to Keep Your Baby Warm and Cute this Fall and Winter

Written by Ariana Crisafulli


Posted on October 16 2022


With the seasons changing and the temperature dropping, it's time to start thinking about how to keep that little bundle of joy of yours warm in the frosty fall and winter months. As the Norwegians say, there's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. Meaning, of course, that dressing for cold weather is the best way to stay warm and cozy.



The most effective way to dress a baby or a toddler for cold weather is to layer. Babies' bodies aren't yet very good at regulating temperature, so keeping your baby wrapped in layers is as much about making sure they don't overheat as it is keeping them warm. 


How do you know if your baby is overheating?

Your baby may have flushed cheeks or they may feel hot to the touch. You can try feeling their face to gauge their temperature, but the best way to tell is to feel their tummy or back. If the skin feels warm, it's okay. But if they are hot to the touch, it's time to take off a layer or two.


How do you know if your baby is too cold?

Similarly, if your baby looks pale or if they are cold to the touch, it might be time to put on more layers, especially hats, socks, and mittens. Just like adults, babies tend to lose heat through exposed surfaces like their head or their hands or feet, so covering these areas and maybe adding a jacket or coat will go a long way in keeping your baby snug in the cold.



The kind of fabric used to dress your baby is important as well. Breathable fabrics like cotton, muslin, or bamboo are great breathable fabrics that regulate temperature well. Look out for rompers or other clothing that is made in these materials.


If you are out and about, it's also a good idea to keep a blanket with you, in case the layers aren't doing the trick.


Other cold weather tips


Gauge the temperature

The Norwegians may be right about dressing for the weather, but babies tend to be a bit more sensitive to temperature than adults, so if the layers aren't keeping your baby warm, or if the weather drops to extreme degrees, it's a good idea to head toward the great indoors.


Keep your baby dry

If you've ever been outside in the freezing rain, you know how much worse the cold feels when you're wet. The same goes for babies. Before brining them outside, make sure that they are dry and their clothes are dry. If it's raining, either stat inside or make sure that there is ample covering for your baby. Consider bringing a change of clothes for your baby as well. If you will be outside in the rain, even if you have prepared a covering for your baby, there is still a chance they will get wet. Having an extra set of dry clothes will make sure that your baby stays dry and warm. This is especially important because having wet or damp clothing in the cold can increase their chance of hypothermia.


Beware of wind chill

Your weather app may say that it's 45 degrees out, but if there is a wind chill outside, you and your baby will feel considerably colder. Dress them not only for the temperature, but for the wind chill as well.


Dress for the season

Who says you have to give up good fashion sense for common sense? You can have both. Check out Tesa Babe's fall and Thanksgiving collection with rompers and other adorable outfits in a cotton and bamboo blend - perfect for keeping baby warm in the winter! And stay tuned on our Facebook and Instagram pages @tesababekids for upcoming sales.


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